
电影: «维多利亚监狱» 2004



More than a movie, a great documentary value! Dominican Republic isn't famous for it's movies. Better yet people worldwide recognize the sound of merengue or the name of a famous baseball player and associate it with this country. But I think this fi...

电影: «新娘» 2004



A young woman moves with her husband and small child to her husband's family in Istanbul. Her son becomes ill and the doctor tells her that he will soon die if he doesn't get an operation. The family refuses to help her because they can't see anythin...

电影: «郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭» 2004



Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so t...

电影: «委内瑞拉的玻利瓦尔: 第四次世界大战» 2004



给查维兹一点面子... 4/5 支持拉美左翼革命的人可以看看.Incredible story of Venezuelan Revolution and Chaves the peoples president! "Venezuela Bolivariana" is on of the most incredible documentaries I have ever seen. Its primary focus is on the period from 1989 to 2002 in Ve...

电影: «Tres veces dos» 2004



Three men at the beginning of the 21st century face love from solitude. Three stories, three innovative styles. A new way of film production led by the new generation of directors of Cuban cinema. An note aside for the Cuban film in this category, Tr...

电影: «路的尽头» 2004



Donde acaban los caminos (Where the roads end) it's the encounter of two different worlds that live together but remain separated at the same time, since ancestral times. The doctor Raul Zamora goes on a trip from the city to a remote town in the lak...

电影: «孤儿» 2004



Juanito es un nino de 12 anos que vive en el campo. Su vida cambia desde la muerte de su madre. Margarita, su hermana mayor se fuga con su novio y su padre cae enfermo al enterarse del hecho; entonces Juanito se ve obligado a ir a la ciudad a comprar...

电影: «El día que bombardearon Buenos Aires» 2004



La película intenta rescatar el testimonio de varios de los protagonistas de aquel día que junto con las entrevistas a historiadores, escritores e investigadores logran un análisis y varias reflexiones sobre uno de los hechos más trascendentes en la ...

电影: «Sin libertad» 2004



Familiares de asesinados, víctimas de chantajes, ciudadanos perseguidos, amenazados, personas que han logrado sobrevivir a un atentado y que sufrirán para siempre sus consecuencias, individuos exiliados por el miedo a morir. Hombres y mujeres vascos ...

电影: «Opet pakujemo majmune» 2004



A story about a love couple, living in small apartment which they are leasing from another couple. Nebojsa is a journalist who works too much, and he wants Jelena to do everything what all Montenegrin women traditionally do. Jelena is on studying lit...